Saturday, June 19, 2010

Say It Ain't So

Are we serious? How much longer are gonna let our sisters, daughters, friend and even some mothers go outside in clothes that are clearly too small for them?

As I stroll through Manhattan and Brooklyn, my eyes have been traumatized by what some women feel to be an outfit of their own. Has the "Mushroom Top" really become an urban fashion trend?

It seems like a fashion free for all. Free to wear small clothing for all women who are neglecting the truth about their bodies. There are some shops in existence that provides women with fashionable items in what is considered true women sizes. Ashley Stewart for example has showcased some haute outfits in their windows throughout the five boroughs.  Even stores like Banana Republic, H&M,  and the ever so inexpensive Old Nay carry in season pieces to make every woman feel their inner fashionista.

There are stylists to assist women who really have no fashion sense. For women who have a bit of fashion sense but just can't get it right, there are image consultants who understands the different  body silhouettes. They can also help find clothing that compliments our favorite assets with out looking like an over stuffed sausage.

Every Fall and Spring is the perfect time to stand in front of the mirror and be truthful about one's opinion of their body and the clothes they are attached to. Put on that favorite outfit and analyze the fit. Honestly, if no one likes how much their "stomach pouch" stick out, maybe the shirt is too tight or just small.  If a woman has to stretch her belt to the last hole just to show off a waist line while creating the Mushroom Top look, has probably a memory of how they used to look and are still holding on to it.

There's nothing wrong with being a size 10 or larger. In a world where being thin, organic diets and strenuous workouts constantly plague our televisions its a wonder why some self-conscious women have the pressure to look like someone they aren't. Oscar winner M'onique does a great job empowering our "real women sized" sisters by being a beautiful example of what it feels like to be a size 10 or larger.

While Jennifer Hudson lost her baby weight, she didn't try to shrink to a size 4 either. Oprah has tried to be extremely thing only to later realize to love the skin she's in.

A person can do one of two things, be upset and embarrassed and ignore the truth behind them wearing little clothes or take heed to such criticism and begin to acknowledge the curves or that "something extra" and style accordingly.

Let's not be afraid to tell our girlfriends how they really look without being condescending.  At the end of the day, you're friends!

Here's to being fabulous!

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